HTML Color Chart with Color Names
In HTML code, there are two ways to describe colors. One is to use color names, such as blue, its color name is blue. Another is RGB color which is represented by the hex value. RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue. The minimum value of RGB primary color is 0, the maximum is 255, if converted into hexadecimal format, that is, (#00), (#FF). Such as White, the RGB value is (255,255,255) #FFFFFF; and black is (0, 0, 0), #000000.
Note: W3C HTML 4.0 standard, only 16 colors are with color names (aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow).
Nowadays, the browser not only supports the above mentioned color names. However, the best way is to using the hexadecimal RGB color values. And don't forget to add the symbol "#" before the value.
In order to find the right color easily, we have listed some color instructions for your reference as below.
Pink color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| Pink | #FFC0CB | RGB(255, 192, 203) |
| LightPink | #FFB6C1 | RGB(255, 182, 193) |
| HotPink | #FF69B4 | RGB(255, 105, 180) |
| DeepPink | #FF1493 | RGB(255, 20, 147) |
| PaleVioletRed | #DB7093 | RGB(219, 112, 147) |
| MediumVioletRed | #C71585 | RGB(199, 21, 133) |
Purple color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| Lavender | #E6E6FA | RGB(230, 230, 250) |
| Thistle | #D8BFD8 | RGB(216, 191, 216) |
| Plum | #DDA0DD | RGB(221, 160, 221) |
| Orchid | #DA70D6 | RGB(218, 112, 214) |
| Violet | #EE82EE | RGB(238, 130, 238) |
| Fuchsia | #FF00FF | RGB(255, 0, 255) |
| Magenta | #FF00FF | RGB(255, 0, 255) |
| MediumOrchid | #BA55D3 | RGB(186, 85, 211) |
| DarkOrchid | #9932CC | RGB(153, 50, 204) |
| DarkViolet | #9400D3 | RGB(148, 0, 211) |
| BlueViolet | #8A2BE2 | RGB(138, 43, 226) |
| DarkMagenta | #8B008B | RGB(139, 0, 139) |
| Purple | #800080 | RGB(128, 0, 128) |
| MediumPurple | #9370DB | RGB(147, 112, 219) |
| MediumSlateBlue | #7B68EE | RGB(123, 104, 238) |
| SlateBlue | #6A5ACD | RGB(106, 90, 205) |
| DarkSlateBlue | #483D8B | RGB(72, 61, 139) |
| RebeccaPurple | #663399 | RGB(102, 51, 153) |
| Indigo | #4B0082 | RGB(75, 0, 130) |
Red color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| LightSalmon | #FFA07A | RGB(255, 160, 122) |
| Salmon | #FA8072 | RGB(250, 128, 114) |
| DarkSalmon | #E9967A | RGB(233, 150, 122) |
| LightCoral | #F08080 | RGB(240, 128, 128) |
| IndianRed | #CD5C5C | RGB(205, 92, 92) |
| Crimson | #DC143C | RGB(220, 20, 60) |
| Red | #FF0000 | RGB(255, 0, 0) |
| FireBrick | #B22222 | RGB(178, 34, 34) |
| DarkRed | #8B0000 | RGB(139, 0, 0) |
Orange color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| Orange | #FFA500 | RGB(255, 165, 0) |
| DarkOrange | #FF8C00 | RGB(255, 140, 0) |
| Coral | #FF7F50 | RGB(255, 127, 80) |
| Tomato | #FF6347 | RGB(255, 99, 71) |
| OrangeRed | #FF4500 | RGB(255, 69, 0) |
Yellow color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| Gold | #FFD700 | RGB(255, 215, 0) |
| Yellow | #FFFF00 | RGB(255, 255, 0) |
| LightYellow | #FFFFE0 | RGB(255, 255, 224) |
| LemonChiffon | #FFFACD | RGB(255, 250, 205) |
| LightGoldenRodYellow | #FAFAD2 | RGB(250, 250, 210) |
| PapayaWhip | #FFEFD5 | RGB(255, 239, 213) |
| Moccasin | #FFE4B5 | RGB(255, 228, 181) |
| PeachPuff | #FFDAB9 | RGB(255, 218, 185) |
| PaleGoldenRod | #EEE8AA | RGB(238, 232, 170) |
| Khaki | #F0E68C | RGB(240, 230, 140) |
| DarkKhaki | #BDB76B | RGB(189, 183, 107) |
Green color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| GreenYellow | #ADFF2F | RGB(173, 255, 47) |
| Chartreuse | #7FFF00 | RGB(127, 255, 0) |
| LawnGreen | #7CFC00 | RGB(124, 252, 0) |
| Lime | #00FF00 | RGB(0, 255, 0) |
| LimeGreen | #32CD32 | RGB(50, 205, 50) |
| PaleGreen | #98FB98 | RGB(152, 251, 152) |
| LightGreen | #90EE90 | RGB(144, 238, 144) |
| MediumSpringGreen | #00FA9A | RGB(0, 250, 154) |
| SpringGreen | #00FF7F | RGB(0, 255, 127) |
| MediumSeaGreen | #3CB371 | RGB(60, 179, 113) |
| SeaGreen | #2E8B57 | RGB(46, 139, 87) |
| ForestGreen | #228B22 | RGB(34, 139, 34) |
| Green | #008000 | RGB(0, 128, 0) |
| DarkGreen | #006400 | RGB(0, 100, 0) |
| YellowGreen | #9ACD32 | RGB(154, 205, 50) |
| OliveDrab | #6B8E23 | RGB(107, 142, 35) |
| DarkOliveGreen | #556B2F | RGB(85, 107, 47) |
| MediumAquaMarine | #66CDAA | RGB(102, 205, 170) |
| DarkSeaGreen | #8FBC8F | RGB(143, 188, 143) |
| LightSeaGreen | #20B2AA | RGB(32, 178, 170) |
| DarkCyan | #008B8B | RGB(0, 139, 139) |
| Teal | #008080 | RGB(0, 128, 128) |
Cyan color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| Aqua | #00FFFF | RGB(0, 255, 255) |
| Cyan | #00FFFF | RGB(0, 255, 255) |
| LightCyan | #E0FFFF | RGB(224, 255, 255) |
| PaleTurquoise | #AFEEEE | RGB(175, 238, 238) |
| Aquamarine | #7FFFD4 | RGB(127, 255, 212) |
| Turquoise | #40E0D0 | RGB(64, 224, 208) |
| MediumTurquoise | #48D1CC | RGB(72, 209, 204) |
| DarkTurquoise | #00CED1 | RGB(0, 206, 209) |
Blue color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| CadetBlue | #5F9EA0 | RGB(95, 158, 160) |
| SteelBlue | #4682B4 | RGB(70, 130, 180) |
| LightSteelBlue | #B0C4DE | RGB(176, 196, 222) |
| LightBlue | #ADD8E6 | RGB(173, 216, 230) |
| PowderBlue | #B0E0E6 | RGB(176, 224, 230) |
| LightSkyBlue | #87CEFA | RGB(135, 206, 250) |
| SkyBlue | #87CEEB | RGB(135, 206, 235) |
| CornflowerBlue | #6495ED | RGB(100, 149, 237) |
| DeepSkyBlue | #00BFFF | RGB(0, 191, 255) |
| DodgerBlue | #1E90FF | RGB(30, 144, 255) |
| RoyalBlue | #4169E1 | RGB(65, 105, 225) |
| Blue | #0000FF | RGB(0, 0, 255) |
| MediumBlue | #0000CD | RGB(0, 0, 205) |
| DarkBlue | #00008B | RGB(0, 0, 139) |
| Navy | #000080 | RGB(0, 0, 128) |
| MidnightBlue | #191970 | RGB(25, 25, 112) |
Brown color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| Cornsilk | #FFF8DC | RGB(255, 248, 220) |
| BlanchedAlmond | #FFEBCD | RGB(255, 235, 205) |
| Bisque | #FFE4C4 | RGB(255, 228, 196) |
| NavajoWhite | #FFDEAD | RGB(255, 222, 173) |
| Wheat | #F5DEB3 | RGB(245, 222, 179) |
| BurlyWood | #DEB887 | RGB(222, 184, 135) |
| Tan | #D2B48C | RGB(210, 180, 140) |
| RosyBrown | #BC8F8F | RGB(188, 143, 143) |
| SandyBrown | #F4A460 | RGB(244, 164, 96) |
| GoldenRod | #DAA520 | RGB(218, 165, 32) |
| DarkGoldenRod | #B8860B | RGB(184, 134, 11) |
| Peru | #CD853F | RGB(205, 133, 63) |
| Chocolate | #D2691E | RGB(210, 105, 30) |
| Olive | #808000 | RGB(128, 128, 0) |
| SaddleBrown | #8B4513 | RGB(139, 69, 19) |
| Sienna | #A0522D | RGB(160, 82, 45) |
| Brown | #A52A2A | RGB(165, 42, 42) |
| Maroon | #800000 | RGB(128, 0, 0) |
White color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| White | #FFFFFF | RGB(255, 255, 255) |
| Snow | #FFFAFA | RGB(255, 250, 250) |
| HoneyDew | #F0FFF0 | RGB(240, 255, 240) |
| MintCream | #F5FFFA | RGB(245, 255, 250) |
| Azure | #F0FFFF | RGB(240, 255, 255) |
| AliceBlue | #F0F8FF | RGB(240, 248, 255) |
| GhostWhite | #F8F8FF | RGB(248, 248, 255) |
| WhiteSmoke | #F5F5F5 | RGB(245, 245, 245) |
| SeaShell | #FFF5EE | RGB(255, 245, 238) |
| Beige | #F5F5DC | RGB(245, 245, 220) |
| OldLace | #FDF5E6 | RGB(253, 245, 230) |
| FloralWhite | #FFFAF0 | RGB(255, 250, 240) |
| Ivory | #FFFFF0 | RGB(255, 255, 240) |
| AntiqueWhite | #FAEBD7 | RGB(250, 235, 215) |
| Linen | #FAF0E6 | RGB(250, 240, 230) |
| LavenderBlush | #FFF0F5 | RGB(255, 240, 245) |
| MistyRose | #FFE4E1 | RGB(255, 228, 225) |
Grey color names
Color | Color Name | HEX | RGB |
| Gainsboro | #DCDCDC | RGB(220, 220, 220) |
| LightGray | #D3D3D3 | RGB(211, 211, 211) |
| Silver | #C0C0C0 | RGB(192, 192, 192) |
| DarkGray | #A9A9A9 | RGB(169, 169, 169) |
| DimGray | #696969 | RGB(105, 105, 105) |
| Gray | #808080 | RGB(128, 128, 128) |
| LightSlateGray | #778899 | RGB(119, 136, 153) |
| SlateGray | #708090 | RGB(112, 128, 144) |
| DarkSlateGray | #2F4F4F | RGB(47, 79, 79) |
| Black | #000000 | RGB(0, 0, 0) |